08 March 2008

Elm...and a Result!

Having been over to Goulden Hardwoods on Sunday, I came back with a couple of reasonable boards, each one about 2000x300x30mm off the top of the log, so a bit of sap in there...nothing special, full of defects, splits, knots and cracks, but just enough to get out the back panel and the replacement rails for the doors. I've roughly cut these now this morning and they're just adjusting in the workshop at the moment so in a couple of weeks, they ought to be conditioned enough to do a bit of preliminary machining.
However while I was there I asked Paul if he had any more elm that he wanted to shift. He then proceeded to drag out a lump about 1300x400x75mm thick with a few splits in it, nothing too drastic...most of it being very usable timber, taken from the centre of a decent log.
'Well' says I ' I've come out with £20, that OK?'...
'Go on then, Rob' says Paul and shuffles the notes into his pocket. That's what I call a result!
Off tomorrow to see Philly, Waka and Martin, which ought to be a riot, so I'm really looking forward to that run out. Tuesday promises to be another great day as I'm up in Surrey with Paul Chapman and then we're going over to see Dom Valente at his workshop in Hertfordshire. I'm taking along the Elm Chest I and the Teak Casket for him to have a look at and as he's a professional maker it would be very interesting to find out what he thinks of them.

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