27 January 2008

Thin Ice

Things have moved on a little from yesterday as I'm making one of these little knives for Dan Tovey who hails from 'oop north'. Dan was kind enough to let me have a couple of highly polished brass but hinges for my Elm Cabinet, so this little knife will be a way of returning the favour. I've sorted out a variety of timbers and just need to find out what Dan's preferences are for the handle.
The Elm Cabinet carcase was glued up sucessfully the other day. I gave all internal parts four coats of matt Osmo Poly-X and then cut it back with 'oooo' grade steel wool and wax...the finish has turned out beautifully, matt with a hint of a lustre from the wax. I'm trying at the moment to source some more elm for the back panel as owing to a very slight re-think on the design, the bit I had earmarked is a bit on the short side now. Anyway, I've put out one or three feelers and hopefully something will come of it quite soon.
I'm starting to gather a few bits and pieces toghether for the trip next week, the main thing I need to do is get some stuff for Alyson from Boots for her hair which I daren't forget...that would be skating on extremely thin ice. Not nice.

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