18 January 2008

Final Delivery

Got the last bits and pieces from the postie the other day, the 25mm bevel edge and the 6mm LN mortice chisel and very nice they are too.
I've been playing around today with lapping the back of my Marples Blue Chip with reasonable success, I just need to refine the process and will make another entry later when I sorted out all the hick-ups, then I'll have to finish off the LN set and skews and get them polished to a mirror finish.
The shop is now drying out quite quickly and it won't be long before the floor can go back in place so that I can carry on as normal inside. All the while the exterior is under the tarp it's drying out so I'll have to wait a few more days until it's completely dry before Pete and I can tackle it. Need to order some marine ply and get hold of some galvanised nails before we can start so will do that the next time I'm in town.

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