05 December 2007


Have been trying to get hold of a bit of 10mm thick float glass so that I can make up a jig to finish the sole of the Big Woodie. Ordered the glass last week, went into the glaziers yesterday and was told that the supplier had broken it... 'so sorry, not here. Will re-order for you sir, will be here Wednesday'. Rang up today... 'so sorry sir, it missed the lorry, not here. So when here' says I...'next Tuesday sir, so sorry'.

On a more positive note, the latest edition of F&C has been published and there's a decent bit on the construction of the Teak Casket. I'm a little bit disappointed that some of the pics were so small, I 'spose that if CE-E had made them any bigger, it would have had to run to another page or maybe a second part in the next issue, which would have meant some more dosh for your truly. Bugger.

Elm Cabinet is coming on steadily, I'm working on the side panels at the moment and hoping that I'll get offered the £100 prize in the competition which means that I can get hold of some LN mortice chisels from CHT (as there's a 10% discount up to Christmas) so that the ends can be chopped square

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