17 October 2024

The 'Owl' Cabinet: Progress Deux

There's been some progress on this project and remarkably, even miraculously there doesn't thus far appear to have been any spectacular foul ups and those who for some odd reason dip into this dirge from time to time will know that it happens with some regularity! There are other more succinct, anglo saxon phrases that could be used (are very frequently are) but they're beyond the remit of the 'Blokeblog'. Google however, is your friend😂 

First and foremost, the rebate for the back panel was machined; not too onerous a job:

The round corners need to be 'squared' out and the back panel, once completed is dropped into the rectangular recess.

Second and foremost, I've been pondering on the drawer box and how to install it into the cabinet.  It looks simple, but the application of some brain cells will soon tell you that it ain't! 

After much deliberation in which more that a few of the aforementioned brain cells were extinguished I've decided to make a dovetailed box to hold the drawer:

If you click on the pic to enlarge it, you'll notice that there's something odd about the shovetails; at one end there's regular spacing but at the other the pins remain equal but the tails gradually increase in width towards the middle.  These are quite straightforward to cut but tricky to work out the differing width of the tails.  Cunning n'est pas?

To give me enough time to glue the whole thing together, I've used 'old skool', slow setting Araldite which takes all the stress and angst out of a complicated glue up.  This took just over an hour to glue and had I used any other sort of adhesive it would have set long before.

It's 'icky' stuff so you need to get prepared:

...but the final job has gone together really well.  There was a small gap on one of the shoulders which has been pulled up with a Japanese sash cramp:

It's now residing somewhere warm for the epoxy to set properly overnight, so the next few days will show if the dovetails look presentable.  Or not.